Monday, April 20, 2009

Permanent Fencing Done - Day 165

As part of the developer Peet's flying start promotion, free colorbond fencing has been provided although it didn't include the one at those portions at the left and right sides to close off the property. I asked the installer to have this included and paid them extra.

Landscaping will also be provided by Peet but this will be scheduled after we have moved in.


ZePlatypus said...

Hi, congrats on you new home!

I'd like to ask if simonds did the perm fencing on your house as well? i didnt think they do that sort of thing.

ZePlatypus said...

also wont they be doing your driveway too?

brimbank_gardens said...

hi there,

it's actually the developer who installed the fencing as part of the promotion when i bought the land. landscaping is also included but they will do that later.

driveway will be installed by Simonds this week.

went through PCI this morning and was informed by SS that they will fix the defects within 7 days.

vilma said...

maremma! è così che fanno in Autralia le murature?
SEMBRANO dei bunker... oddio!!! senze offese,ma, a che cosa servono queste cancelli? pero! pensavo che in australia, avendo così tanta aria verde e spazio e arie comuni non fanno queste tipi di mostruosità!
forse mi sbagliavo...