Friday, May 8, 2009

Handover at Last - Day 183

After seemingly not knowing when the outstanding items will be fixed, we finally had handover yesterday.

There's only a few minor things left with the house and most of them are just cosmetic so we'll just have to claim them after the 90 days maintenance period.

Pending things include:

1. missing handle to vanity cabinets in bath and ensuite - they might have been stolen
2. door stopper to be placed in Bedroom 1 door
3. Patch mortar to bath outlet, alfresco and RHS of garage - not really noticeable
4. Infill to Alfresco (this is not according to building plans) - to be discussed with Construction Manager

Rather than wait for these to be finished, nobody knows when, we decided to have handover as we're now paying 100% mortgage plus rent, so we're losing money each day.

Removalist is booked on Saturday and appliances will be installed next week. We have our electrical appliances so we'll just use those first in cooking, heating, etc. I'll be having week off next week so most of that time will be spent in settling to the new home, moving the kid to a new school, etc.


ZePlatypus said...

congrats! cant wait for ours.

Clageo said...

Congrat!!! Can't believe that you have handover early than ours... we only settle today, a lot of drama at the end.. but anyway, congrat to your handover.. I also book in the appliance to be installed next week, so hopefully we both enjoy the new house

brimbank_gardens said...

Thanks. We have moved in last Saturday, and spent the past few days arranging things. We still don't have internet access at home so I'm using public internet at the local library right now. Appliances were installed yesterday although the installer for the range hood didn't show up. Will have to chase Simonds about this.

Good luck to both of you and hope you'll also enjoy your new home.